Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wei Thing's 20th birthday

Last Sunday was Wei Thing's 20th Birthday. We planned a small birthday party for her at her Vista C. First of all, we ordered a half kg chocolate cake for her. Then, we bought super duper ah lien clothes for her to wear during her birthday. Other than that, we ordered food from Domino's pizza for her birthday party too.

The chocolate cake which we ordered from the IMU's bakery

Hazel presented the birthday cake to her and asked her to make a wish.

She was very reluctant to wear the ah lien clothes. At first her housemate pretended to say that there was an insect in her room so she quickly rushed into the room with a broom. That was when she got trapped in her own room because they locked the door and they didn't let her out after that. They forced her to wear the ah lien clothes. Haha

My friends and I who are from Vista B only saw her wearing those ah lien clothes when she came out from the lift.

We ate in her living room

Wei Thing and happy looking Nicole. Haha

The birthday girl and I

A silly pose from Rachel, Hazel and Sze Ying before we left the party.

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