Monday, September 8, 2008

First Day of Class

First day of class was fine. I came in just in time for the lecture to start. We had a briefing by our course coordinator and then, we had our first lecture. Basically, it was nothing new yet. What the lecturer taught was Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the form 6 syllabus. Just that, he taught in an hour time. When i entered the auditorium, I couldn't find my friends so I sat with unknown people. These unknown people are very very kiasu people. They printed their lecture notes in advance. To be exact, few weeks in advance. As for me, I thought I would only print them after class but now, I change my mind after looking at them. After class, I went straight to the E lab to print my lecture notes in advance too. For this whole week. Then, there was this girl who even edited the lecture notes with her Campbell Book next to her. After looking at her, I plan to read my Campbell book too. Lol Its very competitive here because many of my coursemates are doing Medicine as their second degree. Yes, I am kiasu again. After resting for months. Anyway, we were given our Assigned Independent Reading topic and I have to make a summary on factors causing reactions to illness and submit it online by 31st of October. Other than that, I have to visit the medical museum in the campus to study on food nutrition of common food this week. Luckily I have internet at my place now. For now, I need to be best friends with


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